All board pictures on this page were taken by Arnold van Rooij
Our vision
As board members, we feel it is important to make LPR a thriving and fun association. The most important part of this, of course, are the committees. Therefore, this year we want to put extra effort into developing the committees and committee structures. We hope to organise more activities and make great strides in making the new biedermeier costumes. Furthermore, we think it is important to (re)introduce traditions within the association. This way, we as LPR maintain our identity but still keep bringing something new, such as new merchandise. A final spearhead is improving our visibility as an association. We do this by having a social media schedule and organising activities where non-members are also welcome. As the future 79th board, we hope to make the upcoming year unforgettable!
The board members

Praeses Alex
Hey! I am Alex and I am praeses for LPR this year. I am 25 years old, an art historian and I love music and dance so my interests are combined perfectly within LPR. I have been playing the harpsichord for years but I also enjoy listening to music immensely, especially 70s and 80s. I enjoy all kinds of creative hobbies and, of course, art (ask me about silver at your own risk ;) ).
I joined LPR in 2019 but I didn’t dance for two years after my first year because I did two board years at my student association. Now that I have graduated and have plenty of time for LPR again, I thought it would be fun to help keep this association running. I hope to make LPR a great place for everyone this board year!

Vice-praeses Laura
Hi there! My name is Laura (or Laurent, I guess, when I dance as a gent) and this year I will be vice-president… again. I’ve been a member for seven years already and this’ll be my sixth-and-a-half year or so as a board member. I even made it to dance instructor last year! And on top of all of that, I have always been a part of many different committees. I play a particularly large role in the Costuming Committee because I am often one of the more experienced seamstresses. I also own many of the materials needed, but I suppose that’s what you get for turning your living room into a sewing studio.
I may wear many (big) wigs in this dance dance association, but I still like to dance with all the ‘regular’ members when I get the (increasingly rare) chance. Will you ask me to dance sometime?

Quaestrix Sophie
Hey there, dear members!
You might already know me from the last few lessons of the past year. But for those who have no idea who this redhead is, let me introduce myself. My name is Sophie, and I’m currently a third-year bachelor’s student in art history. I absolutely adore still lifes, photography, and everything related to apples. But secretly, my true love is Jugendstil, especially the works of Mucha. Besides my passion for art, I also enjoy being artistic myself, aside from court dancing ;)
In my free time, I love to draw, paint, do etchings, create linocuts and woodcuts, and if not that, you’ll probably find me with a book.
In the upcoming year, I’ll have the delightful role of treasurer. I’m looking forward to a year on the board for the dance association and getting to know all of you.
Much love,

Abactis Eva
Hi there, my name is Eva. I have been a member of LPR for a year and I am going to take up the position of abactis. I am 25 years old and just graduated as an art and cultural studies major. I have a passion for all things art and culture, with music, photography, painting and architecture occupying a special place in my heart. I am a Romantic Pur Sang with a great love for 18th and 19th century court life. For me, court dancing is a way to transform the knowledge of art and culture into an experience and slip into the skin of a lady-in-waiting. By immersing myself in social dance forms, historical costumes and manners, I can imagine myself in another time… without giving up my 21st-century privileges. Besides the theoretical, I enjoy being creative myself, by photographing, embroidering, singing, painting or sewing.
Les Précieuses Ridicules has given me a warm welcome. As abactis, I want to make everyone feel welcome and pass on the passion for historical dance to others!

Assessor Ilse
Jack-of-all-trades and supervisor of committees all
Hey, I have been a part of this association for 2 years and there is one thing you should know about me: I cannot sit still and love almost everything I do. One thing has always been important to me, no matter how much my interests changed: music. As a kid I could sing (not clear or soothing) along to most Disney movies, afterwards I danced for years in the little league of Carnavaldancers and I picked up a saxophone when I was done with that. Now it is court dancing. If you need anyone for your car jam session on our way to a performance, hit me up! I’ll start the air guitar :D
My own music style is hard but I will still sing along just as loudly to Taylor Swift or Ed Sheeran. I love to help with committee work and the introduction week, because I want everyone to have fun and feel welcome and validated. I’ll try my best to make sure of that this board year. Hopefully we can all share in the fun!